Amino-Lite 34X
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New Hampshire Medical Supply, 5001 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, DC 20011, United States

Amino-Lite 34X



Amino-Lite 34X is a source of ten pure crystalline amino acids, dextrose, electrolytes and B complex vitamins.? For use in performance horses prior to, or after a race or event. For use in performance greyhounds prior to, or after a race or event. An electrolyte replacer for dehydrated greyhounds, or those undergoing transportation. Supportive treatment in severe diarrhoea, or excessive stress after exercise. Ideal supportive treatment for primary medications, eg antibiotics & anthelmintics. For use in stressed or ill greyhounds when rapid recovery is required. As a nutritional supplement.
Amino-Lite Serum, protein restorative, solution for injection, for horses, rooster, bovine, porcine, ovine and caprine animals.
Reconstituted serum amino acids in cases of shock, diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. Amino-Lite 34X

Bovine, Equine, Ovine, Swine, Feline and Canine.

or after a race or event. For use in performance greyhounds prior to, or after a race or event. An electrolyte replacer for dehydrated greyhounds, or those undergoing transportation. Supportive treatment in severe diarrhoea, or excessive stress after exercise. Ideal supportive treatment for primary medications, eg antibiotics & anthelmintics. For use in stressed or ill greyhounds when rapid recovery is required. As a nutritional supplement.
Amino-Lite Serum, protein restorative, solution for injection, for horses, rooster, bovine, porcine, ovine and caprine animals.
Reconstituted serum amino acids in cases of shock, diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration.

Bovine, Equine, Ovine, Swine, Feline and Canine.Amino-Lite 34X


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