Stanazol in pre-competition training to acquire the perfect shape Initially, the drug was used exclusively for medical purposes for the treatment of anemic patients and the recovery of patients after burns and radiation. His anabolism was noticed only in the early 80’s. Since then, Stanozolol has invariably been included in all major steroid courses.
The drug has a positive effect on the strength and endurance of athletes, so it is also used in athletics and other high-speed sports.
Stanozolol removes excess fluid from the tissues and increases appetite. Along the way, the drug reduces the amount of globulin in the blood, which binds testosterone: this quality allows other steroid drugs taken in the combined course, to act more actively.
Due to the low androgenic index,Stanazol has been used successfully by female athletes.
Characteristics of the drug
Manufacturers produce Stanazolin three forms – tablets, injections and aqueous suspensions. The latter is also used for injections. When administered intramuscularly, the effect of Stanozolol is significantly increased.
the highest anabolic rate in this group – 320%;
low androgenic activity – not more than 20%;
activity within 8 hours from the moment of taking the drug in the selected form;
detection period in the body – up to 1 year.
Stanozolol begins to act almost immediately after entering the body. The advantage of an anabolic is that it does not cause fluid retention.
Application and dosage of Stanozolol
In a solo course application for increase in force, formation of relief of muscles and venous outline Stanozolol is accepted on 30 mg daily.
The duration of the course application is up to 8 weeks. Desirable post-course therapy for 3 days after taking the drug.
Note: Buy Stanozolol in tablets or injections, many experts recommend for the treatment of injuries and burns.
Combination with other steroids
Stanozolol is combined with Trenbolone to prepare for competitions or to lose weight and dry. For weight, the drug can be combined with Anadrol or Danabol.
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