ilium depredil
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ilium depredil



ilium depredil healing of fractures or combating the wasting effects of corticosteroids or anaemia. Its action enhances nitrogen retention which favours the build up and repair of tissue. Anadiol may be slightly progestational in its effect. Regardedas safe, it does not affect the fertility in either male or female
if used in recommended doses. It has fewer sexual side affects. The anabolic androgenous ratio is such that is moderately
anabolic. It helps combat catabolic complications associated with stress

Treatment of primary locomotor system diseases. Coadjutant treatment to the antibiotic therapy in infectious arthritis. Treatment of inflammatory processes in osteopathies, adenopathies, neuropathies, mastitis. To control congestive and painful symptoms associated to these processes.

TARGET SPECIES:ilium depredil

Horses, dogs and cats./


Intramuscular or intravenous.


Horses: Adult animals: 30 ml/day 1st day, 20 ml/day 2nd day, and subsequently 10 ml/day, during 4-6 days.
Foals: 10 ml/day 1st day and 5 ml subsequent 4-6 days. ilium depredil
Pets: 1 ml/15 kg b.w. per day, during 5 days

WITHDRAWAL PERIOD: No withdrawal period. Do not administrate to horses if their meat will be used for human consumption.

reatment of primary locomotor system diseases. Coadjutant treatment to the antibiotic therapy in infectious arthritis. Treatment of inflammatory processes in osteopathies, adenopathies, neuropathies, mastitis. To control congestive and painful symptoms associated to these


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